This morning I tried really hard to make it to the early church service. Mom and I were working hard to get out the door on time. Well, somehow I managed to *unknowingly* drop a massive goop ball from my cinnamon sticky bun onto the clothes that I intended to wear to church today. You guessed it. It got all over me before I realized it, even on my rear end. Let's just say that my clothes were pasted to my skin. Everything had a touch of the tar, so I had to do laundry. After that, I was a mess and did not recover on time to make it to church early. For some reason I was physically and mentally incapacitated by my condition of sticky butt- even after I got it all off. I cut my finger, fought with the blemish on my face, and changed my clothes 5 times. Gross. Hopefully next week I'll make it to Gracelife. :)
In other news, I just bought a new camera. I dropped my old one in Kentucky this summer and the cost of repairing it was more than it was worth. So I got a new one for mucho discounto online and I'm looking forward to posting some pics of future zoo trips. Looking forward to pictures of the Evil-k-nevil monkeys and the baby crocs.