To follow up my morning of shooting, my mom and I went to see Captain America. We had to pay for the 3D version which was silly- don't bother paying the extra bucks. After waiting in line at the concession stand for what seemed like an eternity and making friends with the man behind me, I finally got a cup of tea and some Junior Mints with which to enjoy the film. I have to admit, I really liked it. I'm such a sucker for these big action movies. I can't get enough of Iron Man or Tron. I even liked Thor- ludicrously corny as it was. The only ones I'm NOT thrilled about are Spiderman. Did you know that they made ANOTHER Spidey film?!?! I will be going to see the new Planet of the Apes before I see Spidey #214. These super hero things appeal to me... I'm reminded of Heroes- I loved that show. I cried when it ended. Haha. Sad.
Back to Capt. America. I loved the costumes, the glowing blue lights, the way he can outrun a car and outswim a submarine. Now that's entertainment. I liked the girl in this one too- she was pretty but not over the top. I enjoy a story like this so much more when they don't ooze sex. Tron was delightful in that way as well. There was a pretty girl, a handsome guy, and interesting story, and barely a hint of romance. I just find it a lot easier to identify with the characters that way. What does that say about me? Haha. Oh well. I recommend this one.... I would actually watch it again which is a rare thing indeed. Captain America is patriotic, courageous, selfless, and true. Sounds good to me.

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