Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY!!!
Bears are neat. That's all there is to it.
What kind of a creature is a bear? They are stranger than you imagine. Their noses are longer, their eyes smaller, their body stranger than I expect. Every time I look at a picture of one, it is far different than what I THOUGHT it would look like. I could never place them before, but after seeing a National Geographic article with lots of bear pictures-(in trees eating berries), I'm guessing they are sloth related. They have similar giant claws and structure. I have also heard "pig" before, but that is still hard for me to see. Pigs are hooved. What is a pig? Well, I guess that is a thought for another day. I'm just astounded by the created realm and all the neat things God put in it for us to marvel at. Enjoy some bears with me!

After posting this, I sat at my desk, looking at a little figure of Smokey Bear that I purchased in Klamath, CA earlier this summer. I wanted to buy all the Smokey merchandise I could find- because when I was a little kid, I had a big crush on that bear. He was so wonderful and honest. He gave me responsibility and trusted me to do what was right. He was strong and would save me from fire. Oh, what a bear! But then, as I went to find a good picture of Smokey, I realized that maybe I can't VISUALIZE a good bear with my eyes closed COULD be because I picture the cartoon version instead of the real thing.... hmmm... just remember... only YOU can prevent forest fires!

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