I finished my B.A. after 5 years of torture. There were good times, sure, but I have concluded that if I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't do it again. Optimistically, I have no regrets. I had to do it and I did.... but I'm glad it is done. I have no intention of pursuing my teaching credential... but I'm excited to keep learning. I feel like I just gave birth after 5 years of labor. Thankfully this "baby" came with honors.... and I can't wait to get my diploma.
Some of my goals for this new phase of life:
1. Read tons of books that I wished I could have spent time on when I was buried deep in text books. Maybe I'll blog about it since I don't have to write papers anymore.
2. Organize and purge my stuff and wardrobe. I didn't bother to think about it while I was so busy. After I clean stuff out, then I want to make my room a prettier place to live. Eventually I would like to focus on moving so I'd like to "get it together."
3. Make stuff!!!! I have soooo many projects I want to do. I'm going to start painting again. I want to learn to quilt and sew better and take a cake frosting class. I want to make clothes for my Blythe doll and sell them on Etsy. I might even look up a sewing class right now! Yea!
4. Learn how to cook. You know, I can follow any recipe, but there is just something more to cooking than that... experimentation....
5. Lead a more disciplined and chaos-free life. I need to exercise every day. I've gained a lot of weight while sitting around writing papers and reading books. It's time to work that out. I'm feeling some dread but I'm also excited to see the changes happen-- and hopefully they will be life changes that I never have to relearn again.
6. Budget and Travel. I've been working out a budget to help me get out of debt. I have school loans to pay back and also personal debt that I have never been able to shed... but I have some good plans to make big changes fast. Part of my budgeting is for travel. My sister lives in South Africa... and she is having a baby this summer. I can't make it out this year, but I want to find a way to get out there sooner than later. I have finally realized how the teacher life works. It's hard. You go to work and then when you go home exhausted and your feet hurt and your brain hurts, then you work some more. You make lessons and grade papers and come up with fun things to do and better ways to teach. It's great, but before I realize it, I've spent all my waking hours WORKING. I've come to accept it... but then I really look forward to days and weeks off. Thankfully, I won't be cramming papers and books into those vacations anymore. I'm going to ENJOY them. I'm going to make the most.
Places to go: France to see the Anthony's, Africa to see my sister, Hawaii to see the Costales family, Colorado to see the Dryden's, Kentucky to see Liz & Kristil, and South America just because I want to.
7. Be a better teacher. I've had to squeeze all my teacher things around my classes, but no more! Now I can focus on one thing and not have my heart all divided up. The possibilities are endless!!
8. Catch up with friends. TOO many relationships on hold. I can't wait to go around and catch up with all the people I've said, "I can't" to for too long. =)
9. Ministry. I haven't been in a fellowship group at my church for about 3 years. Thankfully, I've got a huge support group of friends and family, but I want to be more purposeful about where I choose to serve the Lord. The first thing is I need to figure out where and how the Lord wants me to serve Him....
10. Most importantly, I want to devote myself to the Word. I have earnestly wanted to read the Bible every day and all the way through, plus do focus studies... but my efforts at this have been pitiful to say the least while I've had so much homework.
It is time!
I'm going to write about it as I go. I always loved to write, but I think my creative energy was all used up in papers... so I've been silent for a long time. Things are going to get interesting now. :)
Ok, well the first thing for today:
Find a sewing class.
Grade 300 papers.
Visit Grampa and bring him an icecream cake.
Go to bed early so I can make it to 1st service at church tomorrow.
Have a nice Saturday!!
Oh, and I want to show you the little "reward" I bought for myself. She is "First Prom Petite Blythe." She's actually--- Graduation Blythe. Something lost in translation? I can't wait till she comes!!

1 comment:
All I have to say is: Yaaaaay!!!!
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