
Saturday, July 30, 2011

New Ideas

SUMMER. I love it. And this is a good one. For me it includes a two week road trip to Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Washington, and San Francisco, learning German, meeting my nephew, taking watercolor classes, and going to Hawaii next week! I've also been reading and watching movies and going to concerts. I come away from these big events and I realize that I actually feel like writing again. I used to have this hunger to express my thoughts on paper... and it really went away through my college experience. A year and a half after finishing college, I was really disappointed that the hunger hadn't returned. Maybe I just needed some down time to decompress my thoughts and let them wander again. Time to think and mull. I am prone to introspection, but when things are so intensely busy I lose the ability to process and plan. Don't you know what I mean?
There are few weeks left before my return to work. I'm going to try to capture some of my summer experiences in blog form. So far: Grand Canyon, Roadtrips, Seattle, San Francisco, Dolly Parton, Shane, Future of Forestry, Daniel Day-Lewis.
I better get busy. I've got so many thoughts starting to spill out. I don't want to forget.